迷你剧 杰德是平面设计师,他永远是中间的那个“老二”。他在学校成绩一般。他身边的人要么是他的兄弟姐妹,要么是他的朋友长得太好看了,以至于他一直被忽视,或者成为那些想亲自了解他的兄弟姐妹和朋友的人的中间人。玉多年来一直处于这种情况,不得不勉强接受。他在心里筑起了一道高墙。他不期待浪漫的关系,因为他知道无论谁来找他,都只是想接近他周围的人。一天,他的办公室迎来了一位名叫麦的实习生。麦是一个很有魅力的学生,很受办公室女孩的欢迎。杰德注意到麦经常盯着他和他的朋友Uea。他认为麦对Uea感兴趣,是的——他将再次成为这个的中间人。但是,他不知道真正吸引麦目光的是他。看看中间人不会像以前一样被忽视会怎么样!~~改编自littlebbear96的小说 Jade works as a graphic designer. He is always the one in ... (展开全部) 迷你剧 杰德是平面设计师,他永远是中间的那个“老二”。他在学校成绩一般。他身边的人要么是他的兄弟姐妹,要么是他的朋友长得太好看了,以至于他一直被忽视,或者成为那些想亲自了解他的兄弟姐妹和朋友的人的中间人。玉多年来一直处于这种情况,不得不勉强接受。他在心里筑起了一道高墙。他不期待浪漫的关系,因为他知道无论谁来找他,都只是想接近他周围的人。一天,他的办公室迎来了一位名叫麦的实习生。麦是一个很有魅力的学生,很受办公室女孩的欢迎。杰德注意到麦经常盯着他和他的朋友Uea。他认为麦对Uea感兴趣,是的——他将再次成为这个的中间人。但是,他不知道真正吸引麦目光的是他。看看中间人不会像以前一样被忽视会怎么样!~~改编自littlebbear96的小说 Jade works as a graphic designer. He is always the one in the middle. Middle child. He has got an average grade in school. People around him either his siblings or his friends are so good-looking that he has always been overlooked or becomes just a middleman for those Who want to know his siblings and friends personally. Jade has been in this situation for years and has to accept it unwillingly. He has built a high wall in his heart. He does not expect a romantic relationship since he has learned that whoever comes to him just want to get close to the people around him. One day, his office welcomes an intern called Mai. Mai is an attractive student Who is popular among the girls in the office. Jade notices that Mai often stares at him and his friend, Uea. He thinks Mai is interested in Uea, and yes- he will become a middleman for this again. But, he does not know that the one Who actually catches Mai's eye is him. Let's see what will happen when the middleman will not be overlooked as before!
由《索尔兹伯里投毒案 The Salisbury Poisonings》主创Adam Patterson及Declan Lawn负责的6集剧《北爱警之光 Blue Lights》,灵感来自北爱尔兰警察的《北爱警之光》讲述在首都贝尔法斯特工作的菜鸟警察,只有几个月成长空间的他们得面临前线的压力及危险。
麻薬密売組織から派遣されてきたスウェーデン人の運び屋のイングリットヤコブセン。東京羽田空港に降り立った彼女がそこで出逢ったのは、女漁りにきていた青年五味川一郎。そんな彼を日本の密売組織の一人と勘違いしてしまったイングリットは、言葉も通じぬまま自動車に乗せられ、一路京都へと連れていかれる。古めかしい家屋に招き入れられるイングリット。不審を抱き、逃げだそうとするが、時すでに遅く、一郎に無理矢理犯されてしまう。 その日から監禁状態の生活が続く。日が経つにつれ、イングリットの心は一郎に対し、軽蔑から憎悪へと変わっていく。逆に一郎は、彼女の肉体のトリコとなり、誠心誠意で彼女に尽くす。だが、イングリッドにはそんな彼の態度が理解できなかった…。スキをついて、密室から抜け出すイングリット。そして、いなくなったイングリットを狂気の如く探し求める一郎。果たして、彼...
A Tale of Cinema and Economics in Two Parts: overworked and underpaid, Angela drives around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a 'safety at work video' commissioned by a multinational company. When one of the interviewees reveals the company’s liability in his accident, a scandal erupts. 源自:https://www.locarnofestival.ch/festival/program/film.html?fid=fd108487-1b18-4... (展开全部) A Tale of Cinema and Economics in Two Parts: overworked and underpaid, Angela drives around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a 'safety at work video' commissioned by a multinational company. When one of the interviewees reveals the company’s liability in his accident, a scandal erupts. 源自:https://www.locarnofestival.ch/festival/program/film.html?fid=fd108487-1b18-4dc7-862a-959fe55cf9ab
爱情喜剧《我的男人是丘比特#》 此剧讲述了一个妖精被自己的剑射中陷入爱情,并与那个爱情线里的女人在2021年再次重逢而展开的爱情喜剧故事。 张东润剧中饰演妖精千尚赫一角。他由于500年深厚情缘,翅膀被烧毁,他是首尔韩餐厅老板,也在首尔警察厅作为警察工作过,是个对女人们来说,铜墙铁壁万里长城级别的男人。 此剧讲述了与一个爱情妖精陷入爱情的禁忌罗曼史故事。 HB公司参与制作 再一次Happy ending许成熙编剧执笔 下半年开拍,播出电视台讨论中。
Still living in London and working at the local cinema, Jessie (Rose Matafeo) explores a new single life after parting ways with film star Tom (Nikesh Patel). Two years after the breakup, Jessie navigates the pressures of adulthood and is confronted with the consequences of her own choices as her friends move on to the next stages in their lives, while Jessie is left questioni... (展开全部) Still living in London and working at the local cinema, Jessie (Rose Matafeo) explores a new single life after parting ways with film star Tom (Nikesh Patel). Two years after the breakup, Jessie navigates the pressures of adulthood and is confronted with the consequences of her own choices as her friends move on to the next stages in their lives, while Jessie is left questioning what she is really looking for.
在这对备受瞩目的夫妇——格雷斯(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)和比她小23岁的丈夫乔伊(查尔斯·梅尔顿 Charles Melton 饰)成名于一本充满八卦的小报之后,他们的浪漫故事已经风靡全国整整20年。如今,他们准备送他们的双胞胎孩子去大学。同时,好莱坞女演员伊丽莎白(娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)正在为一部拍摄格雷斯和乔伊爱情故事的电影做着演出准备,为了更好地理解她的角色,她决定前去格雷斯和乔伊的家中生活一段时间。 乔伊从未真正面对过自己年轻时的过去,现在他已经超过30岁,成为了一个空巢家长,他开始直面生活的现实。在伊丽莎白和格雷斯互相审视对方的过程中,两位女性之间的相似之处和差异逐渐浮现。外部世界的压力也让这个家庭的动态关系逐渐出现裂痕,导致了一系列的冲突和挑战。
不管是上司还是部下,大家都很依赖万里江,她是传说中“只要拜托她就不会离婚”的精明婚礼策划师和公司社长。虽然工作很努力,但是家里来了快要失业的漫画家丈夫,和梦想成为偶像却在试镜中被淘汰,变得不信任人的儿子,还有被宣告黄昏离婚只剩一个人的父亲。“居然每天都惹是生非!” 和三个废柴男在一起的日子里蒸蒸日上的万里江,正在寻找新的家庭形态。无论遇到什么样的苦难,她都能用天生的积极向上去面对。即使男人们经历了100次大的失败,她也会因为一茶匙的成长而感动,因为一茶匙的温柔而流泪,始终在心中高声说“别担心,我会养活你们的!”。
In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines. The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the mos... (展开全部) In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines. The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous places to be a land defender. Inside this majestic tropical island, environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and battle to save their home for the next generation. Bobby Chan, a local environmental lawyer, leads a bold group of renegade land protectors who guard the rainforest by peacefully confiscating and dismantling the chainsaws of illegal loggers. The battle also rages on behind closed doors. Mayor Nieves Rosento of El Nido is fighting for her political life as her entire family is slandered by her opposition with support from the land developers and infamous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. Delikado is a timely environmental thriller on how corrupt corporate and political interests are swallowing small Indigenous communities across the globe by diminishing their resources and limiting their power, one tree at a time.
故事发生在东京八丈岛近海,一座将全球各地警方监控相连接的高科技设施——“太平洋浮标”即将启动。为了与欧洲刑警组织管辖的范围联网,来自世界各地的工程师聚集在这里。基于人脸识别的全新“黑科技”也正在测试中…… 与此同时,柯南一行人前往八丈岛观鲸,途中柯南接到冲矢昴(赤井秀一)的电话,被告知欧洲刑警组织成员在德国遭到琴酒的杀害。为调查真相的柯南潜入“太平洋浮标”。正当工程师们正在为系统启动而展开准备工作时,一桩案件突然发生!一名女工程师被黑暗组织绑架,她手中存有核心技术的U盘也落入了黑暗组织手中! 此时,水下传来未知潜水艇逼近的声音,令人毛骨悚然,一个神秘的黑影也正在悄悄接近灰原哀……