《郊游》(The OUTING)是一个系列,通过三个家庭的叙事,讲述了人们在聚会上相遇的故事,这三个家庭管理着一家顶级广告公司,该公司即将进入股市筹集大笔资金。Anan、Phupha和Taurus带着他们的家人和公司的亲密员工去度假。在那里,二十二个对爱情有不同看法的人的黑暗秘密和关系被揭示。有稳定、嫉妒和误解的问题。最后每个人都为了自己的目标选择背叛自己的爱人。一年一度的郊游将不再一样。 "The OUTING" is a series that tells a story of people who meet at parties through The narrative of three families that manage a top advertising agency that is about to enter The stock... (展开全部) 《郊游》(The OUTING)是一个系列,通过三个家庭的叙事,讲述了人们在聚会上相遇的故事,这三个家庭管理着一家顶级广告公司,该公司即将进入股市筹集大笔资金。Anan、Phupha和Taurus带着他们的家人和公司的亲密员工去度假。在那里,二十二个对爱情有不同看法的人的黑暗秘密和关系被揭示。有稳定、嫉妒和误解的问题。最后每个人都为了自己的目标选择背叛自己的爱人。一年一度的郊游将不再一样。 "The OUTING" is a series that tells a story of people who meet at parties through The narrative of three families that manage a top advertising agency that is about to enter The stock market to raise a large fund. Anan, Phupha and Taurus take Their families and close employees in The company for an annual outing at a resort. There, The dark secrets of twenty-two people with different views on love and relationships are revealed. There are issues of stability, jealousy and misunderstanding. In The end, everyone chooses to betray Their lovers for Their own goals. The annual outing will never be The same.
Foam, a famous actor, saw Chris, The lover, killed in front of him by The police. But fate gives Foam a chance to go back and correct The past for what he did wrong, causing Chris's death. When a mysterious man gives a clock that can travel back in time to Foam, will Foam be able to fix The past and save a lover's life? Only time will prove it!
In this reality series, strangers compete to share a quarter of a million dollars. Will They split it evenly--or cut each oTher out to raise Their take?
大学毕业后的萧默来到深圳,先在酒吧驻唱,之后当了外卖小哥。 一次意外让萧默来到了工地打工,在此期间他将在深圳的所见所闻所感原创了一首歌曲,并在工友聚餐时弹唱,引起了小范围的关注。萧默看清了自己的初心,经过一番波折,乐队组建成功。 但好景不长,家人的反对、乐队成员的分歧、情人之间的误会、谷子的病重,乐队几近解散.....
Based on true events, The Bay of Spies follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real faTher was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for The Allies with The code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about The activities of The German Navy, The Kriegsmarine and report back to The allies. Using his charm and ... (展开全部) Based on true events, The Bay of Spies follows Franz Neumann, a young Nazi Abwehr officer, who discovers that his real faTher was Polish. Using this information to his advantage Franz becomes a spy for The Allies with The code name Got’ His task is to obtain information about The activities of The German Navy, The Kriegsmarine and report back to The allies. Using his charm and charisma, Franz manipulates The men he gets close to, makes women fall in love with him, and snakes his way into The German elite.
八频道新剧集项目 费卡姆不得不从她已故的母亲那里勉强继承了卡的精神。它可以通过舔她的脸让她更漂亮,但也给了她一个可怕的形式。这个卡的灵魂曾经是一个美丽的女人,被称为公主Oenglong谁是残酷和邪恶的。现在,恩龙强烈地想要报复任何在她活着时伤害过她的人。 即使在她死后,费卡姆的母亲的灵魂仍然被卡强 大的控制着。现在费卡姆不仅要从邪恶的卡魔爪下拯救她自己,还要拯救她的母亲。 有一天,法伊坎有机会在皇宫工作,为恩龙提供了复仇的机会。 ~~根据北方民间的鬼怪传说故事改编,讲述一个邪恶的灵魂潜伏在一个木制木偶中, Faikham has to unwillingly inherit The spirit of Ka from her late moTher. It can make her more beautiful by licking her face... (展开全部) 八频道新剧集项目 费卡姆不得不从她已故的母亲那里勉强继承了卡的精神。它可以通过舔她的脸让她更漂亮,但也给了她一个可怕的形式。这个卡的灵魂曾经是一个美丽的女人,被称为公主Oenglong谁是残酷和邪恶的。现在,恩龙强烈地想要报复任何在她活着时伤害过她的人。 即使在她死后,费卡姆的母亲的灵魂仍然被卡强 大的控制着。现在费卡姆不仅要从邪恶的卡魔爪下拯救她自己,还要拯救她的母亲。 有一天,法伊坎有机会在皇宫工作,为恩龙提供了复仇的机会。 ~~根据北方民间的鬼怪传说故事改编,讲述一个邪恶的灵魂潜伏在一个木制木偶中, Faikham has to unwillingly inherit The spirit of Ka from her late moTher. It can make her more beautiful by licking her face, yet gives her a terrifying form too. This spirit of Ka was once a beautiful woman, called Princess Oenglong who was brutal and evil. Now Oenglong strongly desires revenge on anyone who hurt her when she was alive. Even after her death, The spirit of Faikham's moTher is still stuck under Ka's powerful control. Now Faikham not only has to save herself but also her moTher from The claws of evil Ka. One day, Faikham has a chance to work in The palace, opening up an opportunity for Oenglong to take revenge. ~~ Based on a NorThern folk legend, of an evil spirit that lurks in a wooden puppet
The six-part series pulls back The curtain on The experimentation industry and explores why There are so few cures and effective treatments for The deadliest diseases—including Alzheimer’s, many forms of cancer, Parkinson’s, and ALS as well as offering solutions for modernizing The world of research. Each episode reveals how The country’s heavy reliance on outdated experiments ... (展开全部) The six-part series pulls back The curtain on The experimentation industry and explores why There are so few cures and effective treatments for The deadliest diseases—including Alzheimer’s, many forms of cancer, Parkinson’s, and ALS as well as offering solutions for modernizing The world of research. Each episode reveals how The country’s heavy reliance on outdated experiments on animals is causing The U.S. to lose its place as The world leader in research and technological advancements. Featuring interviews with scientists, experts from PETA, a Harvard University physician, and a former primate experimenter, The series breaks down The wastefulness of The National Institutes of Health’s $45 billion annual budget – taxpayer money that’s used to treat animals in laboratories like pincushions and test tubes as people die without cures for illnesses while modern, human-relevant, animal-free testing methods are readily available. It also shines a spotlight on The failures of animal experimentation and offers a behind-The-scenes look at The lives of animals in laboratories.
雪山草地,是长征中最为艰难困苦的自然环境,是铭刻红军长征艰苦卓绝征程的标志性地貌。爬雪山过草地,是专属于“长征”的标志性历史事件,集中展现了中国共产党领导的中国工农红军这支坚强的革命团队英勇顽强、一往无前的意志和品质。 这部纪录电影,是讲述“一个普通人的长征”的纪录电影,一种让身边人从不理解到理解,从嘲讽到尊重的民间长征行为。 周军先生,被人称为“草根红军专家”,历时20年自费实地踏勘印证“红军长征过雪山草地路线”,终有所成。 他坚持:踩在脚底下的学问,才是真学问。目前,《红军长征过草地行军路线详考》和《红军长征过雪山行军路线详考》两本书都已经在四川人民出版社出版。 来自负海拔地区——海南的纪录电影摄制组,以红军不怕远征难的精神,从2015年7月到2019年10月,前后10次,累计150多天,在红色文学作家张品成先生带领下,跟随周军和助理赵文捷的脚步... (展开全部) 雪山草地,是长征中最为艰难困苦的自然环境,是铭刻红军长征艰苦卓绝征程的标志性地貌。爬雪山过草地,是专属于“长征”的标志性历史事件,集中展现了中国共产党领导的中国工农红军这支坚强的革命团队英勇顽强、一往无前的意志和品质。 这部纪录电影,是讲述“一个普通人的长征”的纪录电影,一种让身边人从不理解到理解,从嘲讽到尊重的民间长征行为。 周军先生,被人称为“草根红军专家”,历时20年自费实地踏勘印证“红军长征过雪山草地路线”,终有所成。 他坚持:踩在脚底下的学问,才是真学问。目前,《红军长征过草地行军路线详考》和《红军长征过雪山行军路线详考》两本书都已经在四川人民出版社出版。 来自负海拔地区——海南的纪录电影摄制组,以红军不怕远征难的精神,从2015年7月到2019年10月,前后10次,累计150多天,在红色文学作家张品成先生带领下,跟随周军和助理赵文捷的脚步,在雪山上行走、勘察,在草地里寻觅红色印记,向观众呈现一个“疯子”般执着、痴迷、较真的人物形象和对周围人的影响。 谨以此片向那些把中华民族带出黑暗低谷中的人们,致敬!