In Cobra: Rebellion Sutherland’s government is faced with their biggest challenge yet, but unlike the previous challenges they have faced, these threats come from much closer to home. When an unforeseen environmental disaster causes enormous destruction and loss of life, the consequences are far reaching for the Prime Minister. The subsequent investigation leads Sutherland and ... (展开全部) In Cobra: Rebellion Sutherland’s government is faced with their biggest challenge yet, but unlike the previous challenges they have faced, these threats come from much closer to home. When an unforeseen environmental disaster causes enormous destruction and loss of life, the consequences are far reaching for the Prime Minister. The subsequent investigation leads Sutherland and his team to realise that all May not be as it appears. Embarking on a quest to discover the truth, they find something disturbing and disruptive underneath. The crisis spirals to encompass not only the urgent threat of environmental destruction, but also the Malignant corruption of the arms industry and the rise of shadowy corporate security firms. The cabinet are faced with the inconvenient reality of the UK’s historic relationship with a global superpower. All these elements combine to lead our Prime Minister to a crucial decision, about who he is personally, and what – ultiMately – he is willing to sacrifice in order to reMain in power.
1940年,波兰冠军拳王泰迪参与华沙围城保卫战的武装部队,华沙被破,他在逃亡法国途中被捕,成为第一批被送往奥斯威辛集中营的战囚。集中营里朝不保夕,纳粹士兵视为游戏的地下拳击赛,成为泰迪为生存而拼搏的重要战争。然而,一次次激励人心的胜利,却让纳粹长官警觉到囚犯的反抗意识,转而强化管制,眼见冲突逐渐升温,获胜已然成为集中营里残酷的生存之路。 波兰新锐导演马西耶·巴尔切夫斯基首部剧情长片,将战后被忽视的华沙拳王故事搬上大银幕,背号“77”的囚犯在三年内赢了40战,他的奋斗故事成为奥斯威辛囚犯幸存者的集体记忆。波兰金奖演员彼得.葛洛瓦兹基透过长时间密集的身体训练,精采演绎波兰影史最“痛”的角色。 “我的爷爷是集中营幸存者,这个故事一直存在我的血脉之中。”――马西耶·巴尔切夫斯基
On February 16, 2022, the fourth spin-off series of NCIS set in the Australian city of Sydney was announced, to be shown on the Australian Network Ten, and streamed on Paramount+. Shane Brennan has been announced as the showrunner.
すべてではない。けれど、エリアスを、 自分を受け入れることができたチセ。 カルタフィルスがひとときの眠りにつき、 日常を取り戻した彼女の元に 届いたのは、魔術師たちの 相互扶助組織『学院』への招待状だった――。 大英図書館の地下…… 今までとは違う魔術師達の社会。 ”人”との出会いと交わりが、 新たな扉を開いてゆく。 これは、私(あなた)を救う為の物語。
Ferry BouMan tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the... (展开全部) Ferry BouMan tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the greatest.
Follow free diver Johanna Nordblad in this documentary as she attempts to break the world record for distance traveled under ice with one breath.
Made In Heaven chronicles the lives of Tara and Karan, two wedding planners based in Delhi. India is a potent blend of old and new. Tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of a Big Fat Indian Wedding revealing Many secrets and Many lies. The supposedly liberal fabric of the upper crust unravels as the duo navigate through arranged Marriages, dowry transac... (展开全部) Made In Heaven chronicles the lives of Tara and Karan, two wedding planners based in Delhi. India is a potent blend of old and new. Tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of a Big Fat Indian Wedding revealing Many secrets and Many lies. The supposedly liberal fabric of the upper crust unravels as the duo navigate through arranged Marriages, dowry transactions and virginity tests.
After his son is framed for a kidnapping, a bereaved deacon takes justice into his own hands and fights a corrupt police gang to absolve him.
本剧的主人公是以“比起相信他人,更相信数字”为座右铭的优秀顾问荒牧Yurika。剧中描绘了她为了重建埼玉的牛郎俱乐部A1的经营,与牛郎们有时相争,互相鼓励,加深羁绊的同时奋斗的故事。 福本饰演Yurika作为牛郎发掘的熊谷市出身的25岁岩槻Kiseki。他虽然是农家的儿子,性格很拘谨,只能和植物说话,但是在A1遇到了个性丰富的伙伴们,被他们折服,同时也能感受到成就感和快乐。他渐渐地喜欢上为A1而奋斗的Yurika。 乐驱饰演歌舞伎町销售额最高的牛郎俱乐部Love 2000的头牌·赤坂Genji。Genji是一个冷酷残忍的男人,为了达到目的不择手段,人设是在东京白金长大的他,实际上是埼玉出身。为了某个目的,他正在计划收购A1。