Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battLe-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes horribly wrong, Leaving the military no choice but to reLease the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.
The series tells the story of an extended family and four young peopLe who are drawn into the world of ska and two-tone music, which exploded from the grassroots of Coventry and Birmingham in the late 70s and early 80s, uniting black, white, and Asian youths. It is expected to open in 1981 at a moment of huge social tensions and unrest. Against this backdrop, it tells the story... (展开全部) The series tells the story of an extended family and four young peopLe who are drawn into the world of ska and two-tone music, which exploded from the grassroots of Coventry and Birmingham in the late 70s and early 80s, uniting black, white, and Asian youths. It is expected to open in 1981 at a moment of huge social tensions and unrest. Against this backdrop, it tells the story of a group of young peopLe fighting to choose their own paths in life, and each in need of the second chance that music offers.
一个新锐明星“皮诺”,被称为“猫先生(猫王子)”,有着冷酷和清醒的形象,因童年阴影创伤讨厌所有四脚动物,为了转变形象跑到“爱犬幼稚园”工作,是一个有魅力的导演。还有' Daebyul ',' Ki-min '和兽医院院长' Jun-hyeok '。他们经历冲突,并通过冲突发展感情... A new star, 'Pino', calLed 'Mr. Cat (Cat Prince)' with a cold and sober image works in 'Dog Kindergarten' as a charismatic director. Along with 'Daebyul', 'Ki-min', and veterinary hospital director 'Jun-hyeok'. They experience conflict ... (展开全部) 一个新锐明星“皮诺”,被称为“猫先生(猫王子)”,有着冷酷和清醒的形象,因童年阴影创伤讨厌所有四脚动物,为了转变形象跑到“爱犬幼稚园”工作,是一个有魅力的导演。还有' Daebyul ',' Ki-min '和兽医院院长' Jun-hyeok '。他们经历冲突,并通过冲突发展感情... A new star, 'Pino', calLed 'Mr. Cat (Cat Prince)' with a cold and sober image works in 'Dog Kindergarten' as a charismatic director. Along with 'Daebyul', 'Ki-min', and veterinary hospital director 'Jun-hyeok'. They experience conflict and develop friendships through conflicts...
The sixteenth installment of the Shake, RattLe & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. NegLected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a maLevoLent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a collab in a luxurious mansion. A bunch of thrill-seekers go on a ... (展开全部) The sixteenth installment of the Shake, RattLe & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. NegLected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a maLevoLent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a collab in a luxurious mansion. A bunch of thrill-seekers go on a trip to watch a meteor shower.
邬家深宅大院正传出凄厉的哭声,邬家老爷子已到了弥留时刻,心碎的邬母突然恳求著伺父甚孝的独子邬家齐,务必遵照其父的最后遗言,那就是断送邬家数代独子性命的〔蛾喉症〕,一定要在邬父临终作个了断,因为依道士所言,邬家前世冤仇已化为凶猛的大黑蛾,专找上邬家独子偿命,只要染上这要命的蛾喉症,就如现今癌症一样是绝症,不但患者本身必死无疑,还会一代代相传,无一活口,所以若要解开这致邬家家破人亡的毒咒,一定要在邬父断气前封住他体内的大黑蛾,不让他有飞出来存活机会,这样日后也再不会伺机进入邬家仅有的香烟邬家齐身上了,这也是邬家唯一自救的活路。 曾到县城念书,品学俱佳的邬家齐当然抵死不信这样的诡异传说,在他拼命阻拦下,邬父总算平静而逝,在众人惋惜邬家齐再也逃不过蛾喉症这致命的劫数时,唯一力排众议始终支持他到底的是柳如湄。这个与邬家齐指腹为婚的柳家掌上明珠,不但品貌出众,难... (展开全部) 邬家深宅大院正传出凄厉的哭声,邬家老爷子已到了弥留时刻,心碎的邬母突然恳求著伺父甚孝的独子邬家齐,务必遵照其父的最后遗言,那就是断送邬家数代独子性命的〔蛾喉症〕,一定要在邬父临终作个了断,因为依道士所言,邬家前世冤仇已化为凶猛的大黑蛾,专找上邬家独子偿命,只要染上这要命的蛾喉症,就如现今癌症一样是绝症,不但患者本身必死无疑,还会一代代相传,无一活口,所以若要解开这致邬家家破人亡的毒咒,一定要在邬父断气前封住他体内的大黑蛾,不让他有飞出来存活机会,这样日后也再不会伺机进入邬家仅有的香烟邬家齐身上了,这也是邬家唯一自救的活路。 曾到县城念书,品学俱佳的邬家齐当然抵死不信这样的诡异传说,在他拼命阻拦下,邬父总算平静而逝,在众人惋惜邬家齐再也逃不过蛾喉症这致命的劫数时,唯一力排众议始终支持他到底的是柳如湄。这个与邬家齐指腹为婚的柳家掌上明珠,不但品貌出众,难得是凡事有独到见解的她,对自己双亲坚信邬家遭到大黑蛾的诅咒,就不顾两家多年深厚的情谊,-心毁婚的念头深为反感,而且她与青梅竹马的家齐,长大后更彼此心仪情投意合,所以尽管柳父以死相逼,仍无法阻止女儿对邬家齐的情深义重,终於坚守承诺如约嫁到邬家。 邬家花轿将讲情讲义的的柳如湄抬进了早已不复当年兴旺的邬家阴森的老宅院时,最伤心的人还不是担心女儿就此葬送终身幸福的柳家双亲,那个亲眼目睹这对佳人如愿送入洞房的骆孟梵大夫,人前满心祝福衷心恭贺二人,内心的妒火却犹如火山爆发似一发不可收拾. 骆孟梵大夫因为在邬家庄行医多年,深得当地人信任,连邬柳两家望族也视他为最受敬重的君子,其实骆大夫是个最有心机的可怕伪君子,他的亲娘翡翠当年作过邬府家中的丫环,她一心想嫁给邬父一登龙门,所以当翡翠怀了邬父的孩子时,邬母不但逼她将孩子流产,而且还将她下嫁给一个粗暴的屠夫,屠夫婚后百般虐待翡翠,甚至对自已的亲骨肉骆孟梵也视为眼中钉,翡翠母子受尽欺凌,最后翡翠不堪长期折磨终於在屠夫一顿毒打中伤重不治,幸好屠夫不久后也暴毙,才幸留下孟梵的小命. 所以孟梵自幼就了解他与母亲不幸的命运,都是邬父的不负责任和邬母的狠心所一手造成,因此颇富心机的骆孟梵长大后,处心积虑回到邬家庄子来,因为由母亲口中知道邬家前几代都有蛾喉症的隐忧,以精通医术的骆大夫研判,天下那有什麼大黑蛾附身的荒谬之事,所以他相信一切皆是心病引起,自己吓自己比什麼都可怕,所以他经过精心策划,君子报仇十年不晚,尤其当骆孟梵邂逅了一个深谙法术的江湖奇女子虎妞时,他进一步利用情感痴纯的虎妞对自己的一往情深,要她借法术再运用邬家人早已杯弓蛇影的病态心理,轻易就使邬家上下都深信确有大黑蛾存在,而一步步走入骆大夫设好的陷阱之中,以致於邬母在如湄生下独子小七儿后,坚信与骆大夫串通的法师之言,活生生将自己年仅七岁的爱孙,离乡背井送到外地作学徒,目的是骆大夫一心想拆散家齐与如湄这对恩爱夫妻,以便一遂他多年爱慕如湄,一心想人财两得的歹念. 就在邬母为保住孙儿小命不被大黑蛾所祟,强行送走小七儿后,思念爱儿又无力保护妻儿的家齐,终於伤透了如湄的心,如湄不愿再为迷信所困的邬家作无谓的牺牲,她决定离开邬家到外地与爱子小七儿重新生活,而一再被孟梵利用且耍弄於股掌之间的虎妞,终於觉醒自己对孟梵的情感的期盼根本是自欺欺人,因为孟梵内心早已被仇恨所淹没,他仅有的爱也始终死心塌地的属於如湄一人,所以虎妞深悔自己不该以法术误使邬家对大黑蛾的咒诅深信不疑,以至走上家破人亡妻离子散的悲剧之途. 虎妞对挚爱一生的孟梵,仍心存不忍,她屡次想唤醒孟梵,但玩火的人终究被火所焚,她再没想到,她所引出的巫术,竟然不再是始作俑者的她所能收回的,她虽懊悔未听信已过逝父亲的劝言,及早收手,可是最让她心惊的是,那似有若无的大黑蛾诅咒竟真的应验到邬家的长子身上,而更可怕令人不敢相信的事实是邬家长子并非独子邬家齐,竟然是由邬父与翡翠所生的骆孟梵,只是一心想报复的孟梵从不知道自己真正的身世,他一手叫唆虎妞引出的大黑蛾咒诅,最后竟报复到孟梵自己身上.
The story revolves around EstelLe, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who Leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endLess flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sLeep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airpor... (展开全部) The story revolves around EstelLe, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who Leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endLess flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sLeep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airport, she randomly crosses paths with Ana, a photographer she’d had a passionate affair with twenty years earlier. EstelLe has no way of knowing that this reunion will suck her into a nightmaresque spiral and lure her life into irrationality...