死气沉沉的法国小城,一家有口皆碑的老店却格外生意兴隆。原来这家祖传老店代代皆以贩卖自杀产品著称。在如此灰暗恐怖的小镇上,自杀成了当地居民稀松平常之事,这也是小店异常火爆的原因。经营此店的老板三岛了无生气,老板娘更是日日愁眉苦脸。他们早就丧失了对生活的热情,终日郁郁不安。长期贩卖自杀用品,让他们濒临崩溃的边缘。幸好他们的一双儿女还热爱着生活,尤其是他们的小儿子阿伦,笑容总是挂在他的脸上。然而,阿伦热爱生活的态度却威胁着老店的经营,父亲想尽办法让阿伦变得消沉,甚至把阿伦逼上了绝路…… 本部极富想象力的法国动画电影,改编自法国漫画家让·特磊的畅销小说。曾执导《理发师的情人》等影片的法国导演帕特利斯·勒孔特,此次首度尝试制作动画影片。影片不仅处处体现着法式特有的黑色幽默,还加入了大量歌舞元素,借这些载歌载舞的动画人物之口,道出生与死间的深刻哲理。
In the chaotic days of the '89 Revolution, the city of Sibiu becomes the scene of a violent assault on a Police station that escalates into a bloody confrontation between soldiers, policemen, civilian protesters and representatives of the secret police. Following a desperate attempt to escape the siege, Police captain Viorel is captured by the army and accused of being a terrorist.
源自:https://tiff.ro/en/film/freedom-0 -
Nadia Tereszkiewicz and Benoît Magimel will topline Di Giusto’s La Rosalie. Production will begin in the fall in the region of Brittany for what we believe is a set in the 19th century and inspired by Clémentine Delait – known as France’s bearded lady. Sandrine Le Coustumer co-wrote the project which is being produced by Trésor Films.
The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airpor... (展开全部) The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airport, she randomly crosses paths with Ana, a photographer she’d had a passionate affair with twenty years earlier. Estelle has no way of knowing that this reunion will suck her into a nightmaresque spiral and lure her life into irrationality...