《小鸡快跑:逃出鸡块工厂》由多次荣获奥斯卡和英国电影学院奖的 Aardman(《衣食住行》《超级无敌掌门狗》和《小羊肖恩》)联合荣获奥斯卡金像奖和英国电影学院奖提名的导演山姆·菲尔(《通灵男孩诺曼》《鼠国流浪记》)共同打造,是叫好又叫座的定格动画电影《小鸡快跑》的续集。从特威迪夫妇的农场里逃出生天后,金杰终于找到了自己的梦想:为整个鸡群找到宁静的岛屿避难所,远离人类世界的危险。当她与洛奇生下女儿莫莉时,金杰似乎已经拥有了最幸福的结局。但在大陆上,整个鸡群都面临着前所未见的可怕威胁。对于金杰和她的朋友们来说,就算是要牺牲来之不易的自由,这次他们也要放手一搏!
17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary ability. Namely, he possesses the ability of lucid dreaming. But this kind of adventuring and playing with dreams can become very dangerous. An exciting and engaging youth adventure film based on the highly successful youth novel of ... (展开全部) 17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary ability. Namely, he possesses the ability of lucid dreaming. But this kind of adventuring and playing with dreams can become very dangerous. An exciting and engaging youth adventure film based on the highly successful youth novel of the same name, where love, youthful curiosity and rebelliousness meet. 源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/silver-and-the-book-of-dreams/
ヤクザ抗争によって恋人を殺された防大生高梨(西城秀樹)が、復讐に燃えた「狂気のヒットマン」と化し、2大組織に対して「殺戮ゲーム」を仕掛けた!ヤクザたちに次々と罠を仕掛け、冷酷に殺害していく高梨と、その高梨を陰で操る謎のフィクサー(中条きよし)、そして事件を追い、高梨を執拗に追い詰めていく刑事(丹波哲郎)。それぞれの事情を抱え、3人の男たちは数奇な運命に導かれていく。 『網走番外地』の巨匠石井輝男が脚本監督を務め、バイオレンスとエロス満載で描いたドラマ。ヤクザ抗争により恋人を殺された男が復讐に燃えるヒットマンと化し、殺戮ゲームを仕掛けていく。主演は西城秀樹。“東映Vシネ伝説(レジェンド)”。
该剧以济州岛为背景,讲述在别人眼里看似是人生胜利组的摄影师赵恩惠(申惠善 饰),因一件丑闻导致她的世界分崩离析,在因缘际会之下,她离开了首尔繁重的生活,自愿回到离开已久的家乡济州岛。在那遇上初恋气象预报员赵容弼(池昌旭 饰)的治愈罗曼史,还有她那经历风霜也不忘笑容的姐妹的村庄日常故事。
In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan, Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny, The Producers, How to Be A Latin Lover), and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda, a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur H... (展开全部) In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan, Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny, The Producers, How to Be A Latin Lover), and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda, a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur Hora dancer, enters a big, televised Tango competition to save his Hebrew school from bankruptcy. There is only one problem: due to his orthodox religious principles, he is not allowed to touch a woman! At odds with his wife and five kids, the Grand Rabbi of his orthodox sect, and Moshe’s entire Hasidic community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Moshe is compelled to ask a Catholic priest, a Muslim imam, and a Sikh holy man for advice. Together, they hash out a plan to help Moshe dance in the Tango contest without sacrificing his sacred beliefs...setting in motion a fun, passionate dance movie. Heart-pumping and heartwarming, Tango Shalom tests the bonds of family and community, and the bounds of tolerance and faith. An interfaith milestone, this film is also notable for being the first movie in history to be a Joint collaboration between The Vatican, a Hasidic Synagogue, a Sikh Temple, and a Mosque. Winner of Best Independent Film at the Toronto Film Channel Awards, and Best Comedy & Best Actor at Montreal Independent Film Festival, Jaipur Critics Best Film.
卡拉·诺瓦克(Carla Nowak)(29岁),一位年轻的体育和数学教师,开始了她在一所文法学校的第一份工作。卡拉因为她的理想主义而在新员工中脱颖而出。然而,一系列未解决的盗窃案使教职员工的情绪受到影响。当一名土耳其学生被怀疑并在不体面的情况下被带到严格的女校长面前时,卡拉决定查清事情的真相。 在一个隐藏的摄像头的帮助下,她将小偷定罪:令她惊讶的是,学院不显眼的秘书Friederike Kuhn(47岁)似乎是幕后黑手。但犯罪行为的发现使卡拉陷入了无法解决的困境:Friederike Kuhn也是13岁的奥斯卡·库恩(Oskar Kuhn)的母亲,卡拉最有才华的学生。因此,卡拉越发对局面失去控制。一方面,她在学院里陷入孤立无援的境地。另一方面,卡拉要对奥斯卡的心理负担负责,他现在也是孩子们眼中的 "小偷的儿子"。 教育机构对这种情况有一个简单的解决... (展开全部) 卡拉·诺瓦克(Carla Nowak)(29岁),一位年轻的体育和数学教师,开始了她在一所文法学校的第一份工作。卡拉因为她的理想主义而在新员工中脱颖而出。然而,一系列未解决的盗窃案使教职员工的情绪受到影响。当一名土耳其学生被怀疑并在不体面的情况下被带到严格的女校长面前时,卡拉决定查清事情的真相。 在一个隐藏的摄像头的帮助下,她将小偷定罪:令她惊讶的是,学院不显眼的秘书Friederike Kuhn(47岁)似乎是幕后黑手。但犯罪行为的发现使卡拉陷入了无法解决的困境:Friederike Kuhn也是13岁的奥斯卡·库恩(Oskar Kuhn)的母亲,卡拉最有才华的学生。因此,卡拉越发对局面失去控制。一方面,她在学院里陷入孤立无援的境地。另一方面,卡拉要对奥斯卡的心理负担负责,他现在也是孩子们眼中的 "小偷的儿子"。 教育机构对这种情况有一个简单的解决方案:奥斯卡将被转到另一所学校。奥斯卡并不气馁,他寻求与校报联系,并确保这个故事--从他母亲的角度来看--能够被大众接受。当校报开始流传时,一场关于真相和正义的讨论爆发了。
Follow free diver Johanna Nordblad in this documentary as she attempts to break the world record for distance traveled under ice with one breath.