STHProJectLineup2023 Star Hunter23年企划2 Singles, 5 Series, 2 Movies 之一GL剧集 电气工程专业二年级学生Gyoza是她所在部门的负责人。作为他们入会活动的一部分,freshy Manaow要求Gyoza签名。与Ma naow对小学长的期望相反,Gyoza的个性很酷。Gyoza没有得到一个简单的签名,而是让Manaow同意和她的朋友Ali一起参加电气工程freshy竞赛。 ~~改编自小说《斐瓦卡拉克奴戴迈》(พี่ว้ากคะ รักหนูได้ไหม)由坎拉达(กานต์รดา)创作
Lucky my love รักนี้มากับดวง (Girl love mini series) คนๆ หนึ่งที่นาฬิกาหัวใจของเธอได้หยุดเดินไปแล้ว กลับมาเดินอีกครั้งได้เพราะดาวดวงหนึ ่งที่โคจรตามพรหมลิขิต ทำให้ "เวฬา" กลับมาเดินตามหัวใจได้อีกครั้ง When a person whose heart clock has stopped ticking. Because of her fates, Now, Vela's heart is able to follow the sign of love and searching for her long-lost soulmate again.
社畜小赵策划的一款“摩玉玄奇”游戏爆火,在老板的催逼下,她紧急策划了第二季剧情:少女赵若琪(刘泳希 饰)因父亲戍边建威将军赵经纶被人诬告,全族都受到株连。若琪侥幸逃生,并在奶奶庙得高人提点,与屏幕前的仙官(观众)达成盟约:从此之后,仙官与若琪同体同心,仙官会利用自己的知识和智慧帮助她为家人平反昭雪,达成夙愿。在随时能与仙官通话的手镯帮助下,若琪在波诡云谲的宫廷中能否走到最后?
The centrepiece of the season is a gripping three-part documentary series for BBC Two and iPlayer, Shakespeare: Rise of a Genius, featuring an A-list cast of actors, including Dame Judi Dench, Dame Helen Mirren, Brian Cox, Adrian Lester, Lolita Chakrabarti, Martin Freeman and Jessie Buckley, alongside academics and writers James Shapiro, Jeanette Winterson, Lucy Jago , Jeremy O... (展开全部) The centrepiece of the season is a gripping three-part documentary series for BBC Two and iPlayer, Shakespeare: Rise of a Genius, featuring an A-list cast of actors, including Dame Judi Dench, Dame Helen Mirren, Brian Cox, Adrian Lester, Lolita Chakrabarti, Martin Freeman and Jessie Buckley, alongside academics and writers James Shapiro, Jeanette Winterson, Lucy Jago , Jeremy O’Harris and Ewan Fernie - who provide fresh insights into the incredible story of our greatest writer, the place and time he inhabited and the work he produced.
In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan, Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny, The Producers, How to Be A Latin Lover), and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda, a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur H... (展开全部) In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan, Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny, The Producers, How to Be A Latin Lover), and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda, a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur Hora dancer, enters a big, televised Tango competition to save his Hebrew school from bankruptcy. There is only one problem: due to his orthodox religious principles, he is not allowed to touch a woman! At odds with his wife and five kids, the Grand Rabbi of his orthodox sect, and Moshe’s entire Hasidic community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Moshe is compelled to ask a Catholic priest, a Muslim imam, and a Sikh holy man for advice. Together, they hash out a plan to help Moshe dance in the Tango contest without sacrificing his sacred beliefs...setting in motion a fun, passionate dance movie. Heart-pumping and heartwarming, Tango Shalom tests the bonds of family and community, and the bounds of tolerance and faith. An interfaith milestone, this film is also notable for being the first movie in history to be a Joint collaboration between The Vatican, a Hasidic Synagogue, a Sikh Temple, and a Mosque. Winner of Best Independent Film at the Toronto Film Channel Awards, and Best Comedy & Best Actor at Montreal Independent Film Festival, Jaipur Critics Best Film.
卡拉·诺瓦克(Carla Nowak)(29岁),一位年轻的体育和数学教师,开始了她在一所文法学校的第一份工作。卡拉因为她的理想主义而在新员工中脱颖而出。然而,一系列未解决的盗窃案使教职员工的情绪受到影响。当一名土耳其学生被怀疑并在不体面的情况下被带到严格的女校长面前时,卡拉决定查清事情的真相。 在一个隐藏的摄像头的帮助下,她将小偷定罪:令她惊讶的是,学院不显眼的秘书Friederike Kuhn(47岁)似乎是幕后黑手。但犯罪行为的发现使卡拉陷入了无法解决的困境:Friederike Kuhn也是13岁的奥斯卡·库恩(Oskar Kuhn)的母亲,卡拉最有才华的学生。因此,卡拉越发对局面失去控制。一方面,她在学院里陷入孤立无援的境地。另一方面,卡拉要对奥斯卡的心理负担负责,他现在也是孩子们眼中的 "小偷的儿子"。 教育机构对这种情况有一个简单的解决... (展开全部) 卡拉·诺瓦克(Carla Nowak)(29岁),一位年轻的体育和数学教师,开始了她在一所文法学校的第一份工作。卡拉因为她的理想主义而在新员工中脱颖而出。然而,一系列未解决的盗窃案使教职员工的情绪受到影响。当一名土耳其学生被怀疑并在不体面的情况下被带到严格的女校长面前时,卡拉决定查清事情的真相。 在一个隐藏的摄像头的帮助下,她将小偷定罪:令她惊讶的是,学院不显眼的秘书Friederike Kuhn(47岁)似乎是幕后黑手。但犯罪行为的发现使卡拉陷入了无法解决的困境:Friederike Kuhn也是13岁的奥斯卡·库恩(Oskar Kuhn)的母亲,卡拉最有才华的学生。因此,卡拉越发对局面失去控制。一方面,她在学院里陷入孤立无援的境地。另一方面,卡拉要对奥斯卡的心理负担负责,他现在也是孩子们眼中的 "小偷的儿子"。 教育机构对这种情况有一个简单的解决方案:奥斯卡将被转到另一所学校。奥斯卡并不气馁,他寻求与校报联系,并确保这个故事--从他母亲的角度来看--能够被大众接受。当校报开始流传时,一场关于真相和正义的讨论爆发了。
五个对面包店充满热情的年轻人,他们在平行轨道上相遇,有着非常不同的梦想和经历,创造了很多故事,他们必须用心学习,改变了五个人的关系,朋友、情人、 亲密的人、密不可分的人,每个人都必须在面包店的香味中找到自己的答案 Sin是一个从小内向又孤独的人,因为结识了志同道合的朋友,渐渐从内心封闭到打开心门。
In Cobra: Rebellion Sutherland’s government is faced with their biggest challenge yet, but unlike the previous challenges they have faced, these threats come from much closer to home. When an unforeseen environmental disaster causes enormous destruction and loss of life, the consequences are far reaching for the Prime Minister. The subsequent investigation leads Sutherland and ... (展开全部) In Cobra: Rebellion Sutherland’s government is faced with their biggest challenge yet, but unlike the previous challenges they have faced, these threats come from much closer to home. When an unforeseen environmental disaster causes enormous destruction and loss of life, the consequences are far reaching for the Prime Minister. The subsequent investigation leads Sutherland and his team to realise that all may not be as it appears. Embarking on a quest to discover the truth, they find something disturbing and disruptive underneath. The crisis spirals to encompass not only the urgent threat of environmental destruction, but also the malignant corruption of the arms industry and the rise of shadowy corporate security firms. The cabinet are faced with the inconvenient reality of the UK’s historic relationship with a global superpower. All these elements combine to lead our Prime Minister to a crucial decision, about who he is personally, and what – ultimately – he is willing to sacrifice in order to remain in power.
1940年,波兰冠军拳王泰迪参与华沙围城保卫战的武装部队,华沙被破,他在逃亡法国途中被捕,成为第一批被送往奥斯威辛集中营的战囚。集中营里朝不保夕,纳粹士兵视为游戏的地下拳击赛,成为泰迪为生存而拼搏的重要战争。然而,一次次激励人心的胜利,却让纳粹长官警觉到囚犯的反抗意识,转而强化管制,眼见冲突逐渐升温,获胜已然成为集中营里残酷的生存之路。 波兰新锐导演马西耶·巴尔切夫斯基首部剧情长片,将战后被忽视的华沙拳王故事搬上大银幕,背号“77”的囚犯在三年内赢了40战,他的奋斗故事成为奥斯威辛囚犯幸存者的集体记忆。波兰金奖演员彼得.葛洛瓦兹基透过长时间密集的身体训练,精采演绎波兰影史最“痛”的角色。 “我的爷爷是集中营幸存者,这个故事一直存在我的血脉之中。”――马西耶·巴尔切夫斯基
在故乡村子过着和平生活的退休冒险者贝尔格里夫,某天在附近的森林捡到一名被遗弃的女婴,就将她当成自己的女儿取名「安洁琳」独自抚养长大。 光阴似箭——憧憬着父亲的背影出发前往都市的女儿已经成为最上级的「S级」冒险者…!?
改编自Ken的网络漫画《พี่นักเลงที่รัก》(亲爱的黑道),将于6月29日开拍,由Meen和Ping的所属公司MChoice制作 Lee Sang Hwa是一个害羞内向的人,从高中起就爱上了他最好的朋友Seo Ryeo Han,但从未正式告白, 他们的关系仍然模糊不清。 Lee Sang Hwa有一个爱好,就是玩游戏来缓解孤独,直到他在游戏中遇到了一个叫The Great Mirae的哥哥,互相成为了朋友。 成为朋友的哥哥是一个可爱的治疗师,外表看起来就像个黑道,但The Great Mirae对Sang Hwa很温柔,情有独钟。 因此,Sang Hwa决定利用The Great Mirae作为感情避难所,将自己的心从像Ryeo Han这样的单恋中移开。
讲述了一个男孩因为鬼魂而晚上睡不好的故事,直到他第一次在一个男人旁边睡得好 WhyNot Media & Kenaz are adapting the manhwa by Gwendolin, Samyoung. The story of Dong-wook, who suffers from insomnia because of ghost s that haunt him. He falls asleep comfortably for the first time in his life next to Do-hyun.
Ferry Bouman tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the... (展开全部) Ferry Bouman tries as a novice xtc-producer to get a foothold in the Brabant underworld. With John, brother-in-law Lars, Remco, and Dennis, he fights the immovable drug lord Arie Tack and a notorious motorcycle club to win his place at the top. But only when his lover Danielle learns the dark side of Ferry and his business it becomes clear what price he has to pay to become the greatest.