正当Sarah和同伴们开始拼凑阴暗的Dyad研究所背后的复杂阴谋时,她们发现了“Castor计划”。这是一个绝密军事项目,正在制造训练有素的男性克隆人。在无情的Coady 博士的监视下,“Castor计划”的克隆人每一个都是专注且致命的士兵。但是,是谁创造了他们,更重要的是,为什么目的而创造? Sarah的乌克兰双胞胎Helena在Castor牢房中苦苦挣扎,感觉自己被刚刚和解的家人抛弃。与此同时,Alison开始了一项利润丰厚但却险恶的新业务,而Cosima发现了合成序列的关键,可以让所有人都得救…… -
贾斯伯(梅尔维尔·珀波 Melvil Poupaud 饰)来到布列塔尼亚的海边小镇度假,在这里,总是独来独往的他结识了餐馆招待玛戈(阿曼达·朗格勒 Amanda Langlet 饰),两人一见如故相谈甚欢。贾斯伯告诉玛戈,他和一个名叫琳娜(奥蕾莉亚·诺林 Aurelia Nolin 饰)的女孩相约于此,玛戈对此一笑了之不置可否。在一场舞会上,贾斯伯遇见了野性美女苏兰(Gwenaëlle Simon 饰),对她一见钟情,苏兰也对这个能歌善舞的小伙子心存好感。虽然玛戈心里不是滋味,但表面上她大度的祝福了这段感情。贾斯伯邀请苏兰共赴他心目中的梦幻之岛,没想到姗姗来迟的琳娜出现在了他的眼前。梦中情人的出现让贾斯伯无比欢欣,很快就忘记了和苏兰的约定,可是琳娜的性格如这个夏天一般多变,此刻还风和日丽,下一刻便已下起瓢泼大雨。苦恼的贾斯伯只得去向玛戈倾诉,但心怀爱意的玛戈也无法给予他更多的帮助。
在这个充满了激情和艳遇的夏天,徘徊在三个女孩之间的男孩究竟会怎样面对自己的感情呢? -
光影戏游(港),Your Lovely Smile
A bittersweet, hilarious, enlightening and inspirational road trip through Japanese arthouse cinemas with a heartily independent filmmaker, who also struggles to release his own movies in real life.Until the pandemic struck, the restless, honest, shy and creative Hirobumi Watanabe-san managed to direct eight movies, about one every year. Almost always, he appeared as an actor ... (展开全部) A bittersweet, hilarious, enlightening and inspirational road trip through Japanese arthouse cinemas with a heartily independent filmmaker, who also struggles to release his own movies in real life. Until the pandemic struck, the restless, honest, shy and creative Hirobumi Watanabe-san managed to direct eight movies, about one every year. Almost always, he appeared as an actor in his own films, made on truly minimal budgets together with his two brothers and other family members. They won the Japanese Splash Competition of Tokyo IFF with the mystery thriller “Poolside Man” in 2016 and conquered foreign pools with the international premiere in Karlovy Vary in 2017. Their next road rock’n’roll movie “Party 'Round the Globe” about die-hard The Beatles fans' drive to Tokyo for a Paul McCartney’s concert scored even more love outside Japan. During the past pandemic year, Malaysian director-writer Lim Kah-Wai (his previous fascinating film “Come and Go” was screened at PÖFF and loved by the Estonian audience in 2020) proposed that the struggling Hirobumi Watanabe play an entirEly fictionalised and vividly scripted director Hirobumi Watanabe, who goes on a cinephiliac and nostalgic expedition from Okinawa to Hokkaido to visit arthouse cinema theatres and find out which ones are still willing to show independently produced smaller films. This delightful minimalist micro-budget dramedy ironically and truthfully depicts a sorrowful post-Covid situation in Japanese cinemas, the rapidly changing film culture and the newly (re)discovered habits of spectators as an unyielding optimist Hirobumi painstakingly and stubbornly strives to invent clever distribution methods. The satirical, witty, uplifting and passionate journey with surprising cameos by former Tokyo IFF Artistic Director Yoshi Yatabe-san (who actually discovered Watanabe Brothers), Japanese superstar Shogen and many others takes us to real and unique cinematic places in Japan. We will learn intriguing facts about Japanese cinema theatres, their hapless struggles during the pandemic, the historical programming traditions, and the current moods of film venues and cinemagoers who are hoping to smile more often in front of the big screen in the future. 源自:poff.ee/en/film/your-lovEly-smile/
Benot is a coward and a voyeur, who gets his kicks from watching other couples make out. He cajoles his two new companions to attempt what he has never dared do rob the safe in his father's factory, seduce his stepmother to blackmail her for money and finally go so far as committing murder. Thus begins a wild ride that takes them to the very edge of madness.