Once Upon an Ordinary Girl
故事发生在战火纷飞的一九四一年,莫笑侬(商天娥 饰)的双亲在战争中不幸去世,无奈之下,莫笑侬只得投靠姑姐唐瑛(关菊英 饰),莫笑侬和唐瑛之间并没有真正的亲情,两人不过是相互利用。很快,漂亮热情的莫笑侬成为了娱乐圈人人争相追捧的交际花,与此同时,她结识了名叫詹姆士(张国荣 饰)的英俊男子。 莫笑侬被詹姆士的风流倜傥所吸引,之后两人成婚,不幸的是,婚后的生活并不幸福。秦小曼(周秀兰 饰)是莫笑侬的同学,她的父亲秦简夫(刘兆铭 饰)和唐瑛之间产生了真挚的感情,一直对唐瑛怀恨在心的莫笑侬决定不惜一切手段,拆散二人。 ©豆瓣
Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful grazier, Joe Burt (David Wenham), on a dating app. But as the relationship intensifies, Birdie is torn between Joe’s magnetic pull and the instinct that her boyfriend isn’t all he has led her to believe.
A Tale of Cinema and Economics in Two Parts: overworked and underpaid, Angela drives around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a 'safety at work video' commissioned by a multinational company. When one of the interviewees reveals the company’s liability in his accident, a scandal erupts. 源自:https://www.locarnofestival.ch/festival/program/film.html?fid=fd108487-1b18-4... (展开全部) A Tale of Cinema and Economics in Two Parts: overworked and underpaid, Angela drives around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a 'safety at work video' commissioned by a multinational company. When one of the interviewees reveals the company’s liability in his accident, a scandal erupts. 源自:https://www.locarnofestival.ch/festival/program/film.html?fid=fd108487-1b18-4dc7-862a-959fe55cf9ab