《郊游》(THE OUTING)是一个系列,通过三个家庭的叙事,讲述了人们在聚会上相遇的故事,这三个家庭管理着一家顶级广告公司,该公司即将进入股市筹集大笔资金。Anan、Phupha和Taurus带着他们的家人和公司的亲密员工去度假。在那里,二十二个对爱情有不同看法的人的黑暗秘密和关系被揭示。有稳定、嫉妒和误解的问题。最后每个人都为了自己的目标选择背叛自己的爱人。一年一度的郊游将不再一样。 "THE OUTING" is a series that tells a story of people who meet at parties through the narrative of three families that manage a top advertising agency that is about to enter the stock... (展开全部) 《郊游》(THE OUTING)是一个系列,通过三个家庭的叙事,讲述了人们在聚会上相遇的故事,这三个家庭管理着一家顶级广告公司,该公司即将进入股市筹集大笔资金。Anan、Phupha和Taurus带着他们的家人和公司的亲密员工去度假。在那里,二十二个对爱情有不同看法的人的黑暗秘密和关系被揭示。有稳定、嫉妒和误解的问题。最后每个人都为了自己的目标选择背叛自己的爱人。一年一度的郊游将不再一样。 "THE OUTING" is a series that tells a story of people who meet at parties through the narrative of three families that manage a top advertising agency that is about to enter the stock market to raise a large fund. Anan, Phupha and Taurus take their families and close employees in the company for an annual outing at a resort. There, the Dark secrets of twenty-two people with different views on love and relationships are revealed. There are issues of stability, jealousy and misunderstanding. In the end, everyone chooses to betray their lovers for their own goals. The annual outing will never be the same.
El dormitorio de un piso de la castellana, Madrid. Es el dormitorio de Sofía, una scort de lujo. Su nuevo cliente descubre el misterioso nombre que ella tiene tatuado en su pierna“Diana... ¿Diana es tu nombre real”Él se presentó como Hugo pero en realiDad se llama Jano. Aparenta ser un educado hombre de negocios, un emprendedor moderno y cercano.. ¿Lo esEl piso de Sofía se convertirá en el escenario de un perturbador juego donde se revelerán las personaliDades que ambos ocultan, como capas de una compleja cebolla que se irán desgajando hasta llegar a su corazón. Y la clave del de Sofía se encuentra en desvelar quien es Diana y qué significa para ella
本片根据米兰·昆德拉的同名小说改编。1968年,布拉格外科手术医生托马斯(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day-Lewis 饰)生活在对女人追逐的快乐中,享受着性的快感。画家萨比娜(莉娜·奥琳 Lena Olin 饰)是托马斯的红颜知己,但在一次去温泉疗养院出诊的过程中,托马斯结识了女招待特蕾莎(朱丽叶·比诺什Juliette Binoche 饰)。不久,特蕾莎只身来到布拉格,二人结婚。托马斯在婚后依然不改与萨比娜或其他女人偷情的恶习,特蕾莎无法忍受托马斯的不忠,深夜出走,却碰上苏联武装入侵捷克。三人先后逃亡至瑞士日内瓦,萨比娜认识了当地大学教授弗兰茨(德雷克·德·林特 Derek de Lint 饰),特蕾莎失去工作终日闷闷不乐,带着小狗卡列宁孤身重返布拉格。在自由与束缚之间,托马斯究竟该如何选择呢? 本片是1988年美国十佳影片之一,获1989年奥斯卡最佳摄影、最佳改编剧本提名,金球奖最佳剧情片和最佳女配角(莉娜·奥琳)提名,并获英国电影电视协会最佳改编剧本奖,美国影评人协会最佳导演和最佳影片奖。
伊丽莎白(金·贝辛格 Kim Basinger 饰)在一个艺术展览馆工作,她和前夫离婚不久,还被前夫纠缠,内心对爱既后怕又有着新的期待。华尔街经纪人约翰(米基·洛克 Mickey Rourke 饰)的狂烈追求,让伊丽莎白胆怯却又充满新鲜刺激。然而,约翰追求女子的伎俩高超娴熟,终令伊丽莎白沦陷,二人堕入天昏地暗的爱河当中。 这并不是一段平静简单的爱情。二人在情欲中流连,约翰却用令伊丽莎白难以接受的方式与她行事。伊丽莎白曾经一怒之下离开,却逃不过约翰一次次的苦苦相求。反反复复的纠缠和离合,让伊丽莎白的感情越陷越深,甚至约翰对她的施虐,也成为了她的心瘾。 然而,外面的世界充满阳光,来来往往的人们都过着平静正常的生活,伊丽莎白眼中溢满泪水,这次她真的决定要离开。
Ein junger Pool-Spieler verliert in Berlin gegen den besten Spieler Europas alles, was er hat. Daraufhin versucht er, ihn bei einer Revanche zu besiegen, komme was wolle.
Presented by Katja Mia, with Hot Press deputy editor Stuart Clark taking on the role of roving interviewer, Uprising is set to showcase some of the finest talents on the Irish music scene right now. Across four powerful episodes, filmed at The Complex in Dublin’s North inner-city, there’ll be performances from bright new talents and established stars alike, as well as topical d... (展开全部) Presented by Katja Mia, with Hot Press deputy editor Stuart Clark taking on the role of roving interviewer, Uprising is set to showcase some of the finest talents on the Irish music scene right now. Across four powerful episodes, filmed at The Complex in Dublin’s North inner-city, there’ll be performances from bright new talents and established stars alike, as well as topical discussions, outspoken opinions – and, of course, lots of fun.
Jan Sienkiewicz, a writer and lecturer who was expelled from university, takes a job at a Warsaw high school. Under his care comes the school's famous class of rebellious and knowledge-resistant outcasts. IIB are students from hell, and their future seems doomed. But Sienkiewicz, armed with literature, enthusiasm and a lot of unconventional ideas, will challenge the group doome... (展开全部) Jan Sienkiewicz, a writer and lecturer who was expelled from university, takes a job at a Warsaw high school. Under his care comes the school's famous class of rebellious and knowledge-resistant outcasts. IIB are students from hell, and their future seems doomed. But Sienkiewicz, armed with literature, enthusiasm and a lot of unconventional ideas, will challenge the group doomed to exclusion. Will he be able to tame her and save her? A story about friendship, love, school madness and that everyone deserves another chance.
八频道新剧集项目 费卡姆不得不从她已故的母亲那里勉强继承了卡的精神。它可以通过舔她的脸让她更漂亮,但也给了她一个可怕的形式。这个卡的灵魂曾经是一个美丽的女人,被称为公主Oenglong谁是残酷和邪恶的。现在,恩龙强烈地想要报复任何在她活着时伤害过她的人。 即使在她死后,费卡姆的母亲的灵魂仍然被卡强 大的控制着。现在费卡姆不仅要从邪恶的卡魔爪下拯救她自己,还要拯救她的母亲。 有一天,法伊坎有机会在皇宫工作,为恩龙提供了复仇的机会。 ~~根据北方民间的鬼怪传说故事改编,讲述一个邪恶的灵魂潜伏在一个木制木偶中, Faikham has to unwillingly inherit the spirit of Ka from her late mother. It can make her more beautiful by licking her face... (展开全部) 八频道新剧集项目 费卡姆不得不从她已故的母亲那里勉强继承了卡的精神。它可以通过舔她的脸让她更漂亮,但也给了她一个可怕的形式。这个卡的灵魂曾经是一个美丽的女人,被称为公主Oenglong谁是残酷和邪恶的。现在,恩龙强烈地想要报复任何在她活着时伤害过她的人。 即使在她死后,费卡姆的母亲的灵魂仍然被卡强 大的控制着。现在费卡姆不仅要从邪恶的卡魔爪下拯救她自己,还要拯救她的母亲。 有一天,法伊坎有机会在皇宫工作,为恩龙提供了复仇的机会。 ~~根据北方民间的鬼怪传说故事改编,讲述一个邪恶的灵魂潜伏在一个木制木偶中, Faikham has to unwillingly inherit the spirit of Ka from her late mother. It can make her more beautiful by licking her face, yet gives her a terrifying form too. This spirit of Ka was once a beautiful woman, called Princess Oenglong who was brutal and evil. Now Oenglong strongly desires revenge on anyone who hurt her when she was alive. Even after her death, the spirit of Faikham's mother is still stuck under Ka's powerful control. Now Faikham not only has to save herself but also her mother from the claws of evil Ka. One Day, Faikham has a chance to work in the palace, opening up an opportunity for Oenglong to take revenge. ~~ Based on a Northern folk legend, of an evil spirit that lurks in a wooden puppet
The 13 x 30′ series is a workplace comedy about D.J. (Demers), the hard-of-hearing manager of a second-hand sporting goods store, and the team of “enthusiastic” employees he leads. D.J.’s optimistic, community-oriented outlook on life is challenged at every turn, as he and his team struggle to keep the small independent shop alive.