No-string-attacheD sexual relationships. Who woulD know that one night coulD change your lives forever? Because..tonight..someone is DeaD!? Three beloveD girl frienDs anD the night of lies, April Fools' Night. Who's a frienD? Who's a murDerer? Who will speak truth? Who's lying? Only GoD knows... ADapteD from the novel "One Night StanD" (One Night StanD คืนเปลี่ยนชีวิต) by Prett... (展开全部) No-string-attacheD sexual relationships. Who woulD know that one night coulD change your lives forever? Because..tonight..someone is DeaD!? Three beloveD girl frienDs anD the night of lies, April Fools' Night. Who's a frienD? Who's a murDerer? Who will speak truth? Who's lying? Only GoD knows... ADapteD from the novel "One Night StanD" (One Night StanD คืนเปลี่ยนชีวิต) by Pretty Princess (เจ้าหญิงผู้เลอโฉม) anD Baison (ใบสน). CHANGE2561 制作
改编自安达充创作的同名运动漫画《MIX》的TV动画《MIX MEISEI STORY》(MIX:明青物语)官方宣布第二季动画化
Dating app,或者轉個字母叫 Eating app,皆因本世紀無數男男女女都在 app 上覓食,由餐檯上吃到床褥上,有空再約多幾次!三個單元故事,三組男女,因 Dating app 以食會友,發明出 FooD BuDDies 的關係。 沉悶 IT 狗阿德(吳肇軒 飾)用盡一生運氣,終於得到大數據之神的憐憫,邂逅開朗女神 Asha(蘇皓兒 飾)。誤打誤撞,大數據之神還幫他們進入多元愛情宇宙,一齊 match 到好 woke 的 Jan(談善言 飾),三個人原來都可以盡興♪? 幸福人妻 Kelly(衞詩雅 飾)有日收到衛生署通知,丈夫在 Dating app 感染群組之中,立即成為全港皆知的失婚中女。 Kelly 下載 Dating app 尋覓慰藉,match 到魅力不凡但熱衷 NTR 的 BJ(柯煒林 飾),手把手調教她成為一個慾食女人。其後... (展开全部) Dating app,或者轉個字母叫 Eating app,皆因本世紀無數男男女女都在 app 上覓食,由餐檯上吃到床褥上,有空再約多幾次!三個單元故事,三組男女,因 Dating app 以食會友,發明出 FooD BuDDies 的關係。 沉悶 IT 狗阿德(吳肇軒 飾)用盡一生運氣,終於得到大數據之神的憐憫,邂逅開朗女神 Asha(蘇皓兒 飾)。誤打誤撞,大數據之神還幫他們進入多元愛情宇宙,一齊 match 到好 woke 的 Jan(談善言 飾),三個人原來都可以盡興♪? 幸福人妻 Kelly(衞詩雅 飾)有日收到衛生署通知,丈夫在 Dating app 感染群組之中,立即成為全港皆知的失婚中女。 Kelly 下載 Dating app 尋覓慰藉,match 到魅力不凡但熱衷 NTR 的 BJ(柯煒林 飾),手把手調教她成為一個慾食女人。其後 Kelly 再遇上有社交恐懼的 A0 小鮮肉 Man(唐浩然 飾),一女兩男開始迷失在這場愛情遊戲 (ᐢ⑅> . <⑅ᐢ) !果然飲食男女,人之大欲存焉!
剧集改编自同名小说。林陆骁(黄景瑜 饰)拥有过人的消防技巧和丰富的消防经验,是北浔市和平路特勤站站长。因缘际会下,他被选中成了一档旨在科普消防知识的真人节目的教官。在节目中林陆骁偶遇自己多年前从火场中救下的舞蹈演员南初(张婧仪 饰)。南初对林陆骁充满好感,但林陆骁却因深知自己职业的危险而不愿靠近。年轻而勇敢的新一代消防员如邵一九(李明峻 饰)、秦十全(陈 康 饰)等崭露头角,从国外带回先进装备技术的楼明冶(王子奇 饰)也回到了消防队。老中青三代消防员们在火灾、地震、空中救援等灾情救援中通力合作,将北浔市的消防安全水平提升了一个台阶。南初与林陆骁也在逐渐深入了解中确定了自己的心意,面临最危险的森林火灾,林陆骁与他的队友们依然选择逆火前进。
在脏乱房间里看着僵尸电影喃喃自语说「比起上班,这简直就是天堂啊~」的男子・天道辉(24),在血汗企业里当社畜第 3 年了。虽然依旧暗恋着经理・凤小姐,但人生却慢慢地向非正常那一面倾斜。有一天,从管理员「吃了」同栋住户的那刻起,街头的殭尸开始增殖,被活死人追逐的辉,心中的感受是……
Lorna BraDy is a woman from the small, fictional Irish town of Kilkinure who wakes one morning to finD a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no iDea who the DeaD woman is, or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murDer. That’s because Lorna has long suffereD from extreme bouts of sleepwalking ever since she was rippeD from her life at the age of 15 anD in... (展开全部) Lorna BraDy is a woman from the small, fictional Irish town of Kilkinure who wakes one morning to finD a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no iDea who the DeaD woman is, or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murDer. That’s because Lorna has long suffereD from extreme bouts of sleepwalking ever since she was rippeD from her life at the age of 15 anD incarcerateD in a convent. There, Lorna gave birth to her Daughter Agnes, who was cruelly taken from her anD whose fate Lorna has never known. Unluckily for Lorna, Detective Colman AkanDe is now also on her tail, for a crime seemingly unrelateD to the boDy she has DiscovereD in her house. The ambitious Colman quickly rose through the ranks of the GarDa Síochána thanks to his natural aptituDe. His scathing wit hiDes a quiet saDness, anD when he meets Lorna, he finDs himself forceD to confront his own haunting secrets. As Colman searches for a murDerer anD Lorna searches for her Daughter, their paths colliDe in ways they coulD never have anticipateD. Lorna’s search for Agnes will take her Deep into her own past anD to the heart of Kilkinure’s Darkest secrets, as she anD Colman seek the answers they each so Desperately neeD.