A young girl's letter to Santa contains a typo that redirects it from the North Pole to Hell.
平凡又安逸的竹山县因为近期的多发案件而成为了大家讨论的焦点,恰逢这时,新的县令即将到任。竹山县的人民很希望新的县令迅速解决这些案件,好过安稳日子。可来到的新县令杭铁生(苏有朋 饰)似乎过于年轻了一些,完全不似有能力解决棘手案件的样子。和县令一起来的还有她泼辣的娘(宋丹丹 饰)及看上去同样不靠谱的师爷陆彦青(赵毅 饰)。三人组成的铁三角却出人意料的解决了看似棘手的案件。而这只是年轻县令遇到的第一个坎,一段段刺激又惊心动魄的故事就此展开,而县令背后有娘和师爷坐镇,没有什么可怕的……
该剧由三个故事构成,分别是《贵妃棺》、《龙雀配》和《古井冤》。 -
Anticipation of Love has settled in a heart of a young lady. The borders between dream and passion are very elusive. Life is full of physical deprivations and sensual pleasures and the deep meaning of that all is Love of course. The deeper the feeling the more intense emotions. Each girl dreams to meet her love one day. An experienced man is able to help her to discover the world of passion and senses, bring her to the «heaven's gate» where the two of them will prevail. One can only imagine how many hearts were broken along the way to master the science of love. But the passion blinds and soon the man becomes a slave of young sensual body of a woman. The carnal knowledge makes the girl try to subdue her love ob
ject. Instant emotions bring pain and suffering to the lovers as well as to their relatives and friends. Will the young heroine manage to meet the expectations of the man she loved and make him happy... become the only one? Who will help her to find the right path? Maybe the mysterious voice on the phone? Or will it be enough just to wake up and realize that that was just a dream, just a dream. Last film by Kim Ki-duk, which he shot in Summer, 2019 in Kyrgyzstan. Film was finished by Kim's friends and colleagues after his unexpected death in December, 2020. -
Juju in contemporary Lagos, through three stories. In Love Potion, an unmarried woman agrees to use juju to find herself an ideal partner. In Yam, a street urchin picks up some money seemingly left by the roadside, with ensuing consequences. In Suffer the Witch, love and friendship become an obsession, when a young college woman attracts her crush’s interest.
We felt the need to continue what we do as a collective, which is to question and perhaps present an alternate perspective to what is considered the norm in everyday Africa.
– C.J. "Fiery" Obasi, Abba T. Makama, Michael Omonua