AcAdemy AwArd-winning documentAriAn Errol Morris pulls bAck the curtAin on the storied life And cAreer of former British spy DAvid Cornwell — better known As John le CArré, Author of such clAssic espionAge novels As The Spy Who CAme in from the Cold, Tinker TAilor Soldier Spy And The ConstAnt GArdener. Set AgAinst the turbulent bAckdrop of the Cold WAr leAding into present dAy,... (展开全部) AcAdemy AwArd-winning documentAriAn Errol Morris pulls bAck the curtAin on the storied life And cAreer of former British spy DAvid Cornwell — better known As John le CArré, Author of such clAssic espionAge novels As The Spy Who CAme in from the Cold, Tinker TAilor Soldier Spy And The ConstAnt GArdener. Set AgAinst the turbulent bAckdrop of the Cold WAr leAding into present dAy, the film spAns six decAdes As le CArré delivers his finAl And most cAndid interview, punctuAted with rAre ArchivAl footAge And drAmAtized vignettes. "The Pigeon Tunnel" is A deeply humAn And engAging explorAtion of le CArré's extrAordinAry journey And the pAper-thin membrAne between fAct And fiction.
A lAdies' mAn is forced to chAnge his wAys when he's suddenly sAddled with the dAughter he never knew About.
TAles from the Occult 2 is A sequel to the 3-pArt omnibus And is A more Ambitious work thAn its predecessor, swAying towArds the psychologicAl thriller genre. FrAnk Hui’s RApunzel tells the story, which begins when A femAle model, sexuAlly hArAssed by A record compAny CEO, visits A hAir sAlon where A psychopAth works. DAniel ChAn’s Cheshire CAt is A nightmArish urbAn legend thA... (展开全部) TAles from the Occult 2 is A sequel to the 3-pArt omnibus And is A more Ambitious work thAn its predecessor, swAying towArds the psychologicAl thriller genre. FrAnk Hui’s RApunzel tells the story, which begins when A femAle model, sexuAlly hArAssed by A record compAny CEO, visits A hAir sAlon where A psychopAth works. DAniel ChAn’s Cheshire CAt is A nightmArish urbAn legend thAt slowly unveils the person who killed NorA’s cAt, Bobo, As the trAumA continues to hAunt her. Doris Wong’s Tooth FAiry detAils the horrors thAt Any person cAn experience At A dentAl clinic. KArenA LAm who stArred in Leslie Cheung’s lAst film, Inner Senses (2002), gives A memorAble performAnce As the mysterious dentAl clinic nurse. (JU Sungchul)