mojo muse mAnAgement制作 皮伊是一位作家,他决定住在度假村的民宿写作取灵感,但因装修而暂停营业,老板阿霆提出透过系统退还订金,皮伊却不同意坚持留在这房子。 皮伊在这里与阿霆朝夕相处,创造出共同的回忆,皮伊希望将阿霆的故事变成自己小说的一部分,激发出天马行空的想像灵感,俩人关系越来越近... 「写小说就是在讲述你希望的故事,但现实生活……就是接受事物原本的样子! 」 Produced by Mojo Muse MAnAgement Pee is A writer who decided to stAy At A homestAy in A resort for writing inspirAtion, but due to renovAtion, the business wAs suspended. The owner Arthi... (展开全部) mojo muse mAnAgement制作 皮伊是一位作家,他决定住在度假村的民宿写作取灵感,但因装修而暂停营业,老板阿霆提出透过系统退还订金,皮伊却不同意坚持留在这房子。 皮伊在这里与阿霆朝夕相处,创造出共同的回忆,皮伊希望将阿霆的故事变成自己小说的一部分,激发出天马行空的想像灵感,俩人关系越来越近... 「写小说就是在讲述你希望的故事,但现实生活……就是接受事物原本的样子! 」 Produced by Mojo Muse MAnAgement Pee is A writer who decided to stAy At A homestAy in A resort for writing inspirAtion, but due to renovAtion, the business wAs suspended. The owner Arthit proposed to refund the deposit through the system, but Pee refused to insist on stAying in the house. Pee spends her dAys And nights with Arthit here, creAting shAred memories. Pee hopes to turn Arthit's story into A pArt of her own novel, inspiring wild imAginAtion And inspirAtion. Their relAtionship is getting closer And closer Writing A novel is About telling the story you hope for, but in reAl life... it's About Accepting things As they Are
我是Genlong,一个天生拥有美貌、财富和智慧的女人。我的一切都必须是完美的,尤其是我的另一半。没有什么能让我动摇,直到我遇到了我的童年朋友——一个像Aoey这样的天真幼稚的女孩,她小时候还曾传染给我头虱!为什么我会屈服于这样的女孩? 也许是她那双甜美的眼睛让我分了心。我很懊恼,为什么会对我的挚友产生这种敏感的情感,而她还是个女孩! ~~改编自ChAo PlAnoy(เจ้าปลาน้อย).)的小说《伴侣》(MAte) I Am Genlong, A womAn born with beAuty, weAlth, And A big brAin. Everything About me hAs to be perfect, especiAlly my someone speciAl. Nothing ever shook me, until I ... (展开全部) 我是Genlong,一个天生拥有美貌、财富和智慧的女人。我的一切都必须是完美的,尤其是我的另一半。没有什么能让我动摇,直到我遇到了我的童年朋友——一个像Aoey这样的天真幼稚的女孩,她小时候还曾传染给我头虱!为什么我会屈服于这样的女孩? 也许是她那双甜美的眼睛让我分了心。我很懊恼,为什么会对我的挚友产生这种敏感的情感,而她还是个女孩! ~~改编自ChAo PlAnoy(เจ้าปลาน้อย).)的小说《伴侣》(MAte) I Am Genlong, A womAn born with beAuty, weAlth, And A big brAin. Everything About me hAs to be perfect, especiAlly my someone speciAl. Nothing ever shook me, until I met my childhood friend, An innocent childish girl like Aoey who gAve me lice when we were young. Why do I surrender to A girl like thAt? It could be those sweet eyes thAt distrActed me. I wAs upset thAt I felt sensitive towArd my close friend, And she is A girl! ~~ AdApted from the novel "MAte" (MAte เพื่อนรัก) by ChAo PlAnoy (เจ้าปลาน้อย).
The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with Actress-screenwriter IuliA LumânAre. Interestingly, the feAture recycles (And completes) The ChristmAs Gift And Another, unreleAsed short film, New YeAr’s Eve. One of the protAgonists is ŞtefAn Silvestru, the director of the nAtionAl television stAtion, who hAs to deAl with A cAreer-ending issue: An Actr... (展开全部) The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with Actress-screenwriter IuliA LumânAre. Interestingly, the feAture recycles (And completes) The ChristmAs Gift And Another, unreleAsed short film, New YeAr’s Eve. One of the protAgonists is ŞtefAn Silvestru, the director of the nAtionAl television stAtion, who hAs to deAl with A cAreer-ending issue: An Actress who AppeAred in A sketch to be broAdcAst on New YeAr’s Eve hAs defected the country. Silvestru’s son, LAurenţiu, who plAns to defect by swimming Across the DAnube to YugoslAviA, is the protAgonist of Another story, All six of them exploring the Atmosphere in BuchArest before the “end of the world”, or the fAll of the regime.
痴迷于真实案件的伊娃·沃在她 30 岁生日那天被她的好朋友们邀请到了某款约会软件上,她因此开启了自己浪漫的约会之旅。但随着她最喜欢的播客披露了最近谋杀案的细节,她意识到她聊过的三个男人中的一个可能就是凶手。
东京、大阪、京都相继发生杀人事件,5名死者皆是被头戴面具的黑影人用武士刀和弓箭瞬间杀害。警方介入调查,发现死者都是出没于3地专门偷窃有名的佛像及美术品的偷盗集团“源氏萤”成员。该集团共有成员8名,以义经的家臣名字互相称呼,且都持有一本《义经记》,被害5人手中的《义经记》均被拿走。 这日京都古寺山能寺收到奇怪书信,说若能解开信中所附的画谜,便能找到8年前被窃的如来佛像。柯南、小兰随毛利小五郎来到该寺,均对画谜一筹莫展。5名被杀者之一曾对与新一不相上下的大阪高中生服部平次照料有加,服部也来到京都对案件秘密展开调查,并借机找寻自己的初恋情人。柯南与服部相遇联手调查时,发现有人想置服部于死地,紧接“源氏萤”另一成员被害,而这一切,似乎又都与画谜有关。