In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven www.yuankan.cc years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years and the mission is personal to him as his mother succumbed to death during one of the hijacked flights.The ministry and officials rejects theories of Bell Bottom and observations but get him involved when his observation turns true.The hijacked flight is taken to Dubai where the hijackers want to negotiate with Indian officials Bell Bottom and his team arrive with the officials to Dubai where he has a set up plan but has to assure the Dubai government that there is no blood shed.
家里经营自行车行的科沙夫(阿克谢·库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)是一个大龄单身青年,他的老板专横独大,出于迷信要求儿子必须娶一个一只手上有两根拇指的妻子,而为了所谓的黄道吉日还专门安排科沙夫娶了一头母牛为妻。科沙夫虽然唯唯诺诺,可是无时无刻不期待美好爱情的出现。偶然机缘,他邂逅了婆罗门出身的知识女性贾娅(布米·佩德卡尔 Bhumi Pednekar 饰)。最初的龃龉和误会过后,这对身份地位和生活背景都有着巨大差异的男女越走越近,最终喜结连理。然而好景不长,新婚次日贾娅就发现一个严重问题。出于宗教信仰,科沙夫的家里根本没有厕所,包括女性在内必须要去很远的野外解决问题。 为了自己的合法权益,贾娅和丈夫以及其家人展开了旷日持久的战争……